Physician Assistant (PA)

Nicole C. Fallacaro, PA

Nicole Fallacaro works in the field of Physician Assistant (PA). Nicole C. Fallacaro, PA accepts all Medicare patients.

Doctors Specialties

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Drug Facts

NPI NUMBER   1174582290
NPPES Provider LastName   FALLACARO
NPPES Provider FirstName   NICOLE
NPPES Provider ZIPCode   852951675
NPPES Provider State   AZ
Specialty Description   Physician Assistant
Total Claim Count   307.0
Distinct Opioid Count   1.0
Opioid Claim Count   15.0
Percent Opioid Claims   4.89

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Medicare Facts

National Provider Identifier [NPI] 1174582290
Last Name Of The Provider FALLACARO
First Name Of The Provider NICOLE
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