

Dr. Sonjai K. Bhatia, MD

Sonjai K. Bhatia practices Cardiology. He researched medicine at Rush Medical College. He has 2 awards "CMS Meaningful Use Stage 1 Certification" and "Fellow (FACC)". Doctor Sonjai K. Bhatia, MD accepts Medicare payments and is registered with


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Drug Facts

NPI NUMBER   1336121037
NPPES Provider LastName   BHATIA
NPPES Provider FirstName   SONJAI
NPPES Provider ZIPCode   60190
NPPES Provider State   IL
Specialty Description   Cardiology
Total Claim Count   2761.0
Distinct Opioid Count   0.0
Opioid Claim Count   0.0
Percent Opioid Claims   0.0

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Medicare Facts

National Provider Identifier [NPI] 1336121037
Last Name Of The Provider BHATIA
First Name Of The Provider SONJAI
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