Medicare Facts for Dr. Sarah J. Smith, MD

National Provider Identifier [NPI]: 1538119581
Last Name Of The Provider SMITH
First Name Of The Provider SARAH
Middle Initial Of The Provider J
Credentials Of The Provider MD
Gender Of The Provider F
Entity Type Of The Provider I
Street Address 1 Of The Provider 400 22ND AVE.
Street Address 2 Of The Provider
City Of The Provider BROOKIGNS
Zip Code Of The Provider 570062497
State Code Of The Provider SD
Country Code Of The Provider US
Provider Type Of The Provider Family Practice
Medicare Participation Indicator Y
Number Of HCPCS 38
Number Of Services 549
Number Of Medicare Beneficiaries 176
Total Submitted Charge Amount 46498.5
Total Medicare Allowed Amount 37813.4
Total Medicare Payment Amount 29486.79
Total Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 30381.13
Drug Suppress Indicator
Number Of HCPCS Associated With Drug Services 0
Number Of Drug Services 0
Number Of Medicare Beneficiaries With Drug Services 0
Total Drug Submitted ChargeAmount 0
Total Drug Medicare AllowedAmount 0
Total Drug Medicare PaymentAmount 0
Total Drug Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 0
Medical SuppressIndicator
Number Of HCPCS Associated With MedicalServices 38
Number Of Medical Services 549
Number Of Medicare Beneficiaries With Medical Services 176
Total Medical Submitted Charge Amount 46498.5
Total Medical Medicare Allowed Amount 37813.4
Total Medical Medicare Payment Amount 29486.79
Total Medical Medicare Standardized Payment Amount 30381.13
Average Age Of Beneficiaries 75
Number Of Beneficiaries Age Less65 27
Number Of Beneficiaries Age 65 to 74 50
Number Of Beneficiaries Age 75 to 84 48
Number Of Beneficiaries Age Greater 84 51
Number Of Female Beneficiaries 126
Number Of Male Beneficiaries 50
Number Of Non Hispanic White Beneficiaries
Number Of Black or African American Beneficiaries
Number Of AsianPacific Islander Beneficiaries
Number Of Hispanic Beneficiaries
Number Of American Indian Alaska Native Beneficiaries
Number Of Beneficiaries With Race Not Else where Classified
Number Of Beneficiaries With Medicare Only Entitlement 145
Number Of Beneficiaries With Medicare Medicaid Entitlement 31
Percent Of With Atrial Fibrillation 14
Percent Of With Alzheimers Disease or Dementia 13
Percent Of With Asthma 7
Percent Of With Cancer 8
Percent Of With Heart Failure 23
Percent Of With Chronic Kidney Disease 16
Percent Of With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 16
Percent Of With Depression 29
Percent Of With Diabetes 26
Percent Of With Hyperlipidemia 34
Percent Of With Hypertension 58
Percent Of With Ischemic Heart Disease 28
Percent Of With Osteoporosis 10
Percent Of With Rheumatoid Arthritis Osteoarthritis 34
Percent Of With Schizophrenia Other PsychoticDisorders
Percent Of With Stroke 9
Average HCC Risk Score Of Beneficiaries 1.093

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