
Family Medicine

Dr. Sandra Groenewold, MD

Sandra Groenewold works in the field of Family Medicine. He went to Medical College of Wisconsin. Medical College of Wisconsin is ranked 54/62 in Research/PrimaryCare. He received awards:"CMS Meaningful Use Stage 1 Certification". Doctor Sandra Groenewold, MD is a published doctor and has 3 publications published. The lastest was: '[Use of multi-grid screens in intensive care units].' Sandra Groenewold accepts Medicare payments and is listed with



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Drug Facts

NPI NUMBER   1881620722
NPPES Provider LastName   GROENEWOLD
NPPES Provider FirstName   SANDRA
NPPES Provider ZIPCode   549527002
NPPES Provider State   WI
Specialty Description   Family Practice
Total Claim Count   2877.0
Distinct Opioid Count   2.0
Opioid Claim Count   61.0
Percent Opioid Claims   2.12

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Medicare Facts

National Provider Identifier [NPI] 1881620722
Last Name Of The Provider GROENEWOLD
First Name Of The Provider SANDRA
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