Mezey and Krainson MD PA. South Florida Sleep Diagnostic Center, Clinical Trials of Florida


Dr. James P. Krainson, MD

James P. Krainson, MD is an expert in the field of Pulmonology. He researched medicine at University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. University of Miami Miller School of Medicine is ranked 45/0 in Research/PrimaryCare. He over the years received 3 awards: "Top Doctors:South Florida", "Meaningful Use Stage 1 Certification" and "Top Doctors: Florida". Doctor James P. Krainson, MD is a published MD as well. He has 2 publications published. The latest was: Modification of airway histamine-receptor function with methylprednisolone succinate. He is registered with Medicare.



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Drug Facts

NPI NUMBER   1174519987
NPPES Provider LastName   KRAINSON
NPPES Provider FirstName   JAMES
NPPES Provider ZIPCode   331869066
NPPES Provider State   FL
Specialty Description   Pulmonary Disease
Total Claim Count   1257.0
Distinct Opioid Count   0.0
Opioid Claim Count   0.0
Percent Opioid Claims   0.0

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Medicare Facts

National Provider Identifier [NPI] 1174519987
Last Name Of The Provider KRAINSON
First Name Of The Provider JAMES
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