Associates in Digestive Health


Dr. Harold S. Harris, MD

Harold Harris practices Gastroenterology. He researched medicine at University of Florida College of Medicine. University of Florida College of Medicine is ranked 43/78 in Research/PrimaryCare. He received awards:"Gulfshore Life Magazine: Top Doctors", "Meaningful Use Stage 1 Certification" and "Top Doctors: Florida".


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Drug Facts

NPI NUMBER   1578560751
NPPES Provider LastName   HARRIS
NPPES Provider FirstName   HAROLD
NPPES Provider ZIPCode   339045781
NPPES Provider State   FL
Specialty Description   Gastroenterology
Total Claim Count   2455.0
Distinct Opioid Count   1.0
Opioid Claim Count   15.0
Percent Opioid Claims   0.61

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National Provider Identifier [NPI] 1578560751
Last Name Of The Provider HARRIS
First Name Of The Provider HAROLD
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